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Puercraft, Yiwu, Yunnan

2015 Tianchao Tribute Ancient Tree Raw Pu-erh Tea

2015 Tianchao Tribute Ancient Tree Raw Pu-erh Tea

Regular price £195.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £195.00 GBP
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Explore an adventure to the ancient lands of Yiwu with our amazing 2015 Tianchao Tribute Ancient Tree Raw Pu-erh Tea. It's from the very heart of where Pu'er tea is made. This tea has a super long history, over 300 years! They pick each leaf really carefully, following a special rule: one bud and two leaves.

Descriptive Features Of Pu-erh Raw Tea:

  • Cake Appearance: The tea comes in cute round shapes, like little discs you can hold in your hand. It's how they make Pu-erh tea, all squished together into these round cakes.
  • Color: The tea looks like a shiny gold color when you brew it. It's super pretty to look at and makes you excited to try it!
  • Aroma: The tea smells really nice, and even after you've brewed it, the smell sticks around. It's like a sweet perfume that fills the air.

This tea comes from the beautiful forests of Yunnan's Yiwu region. It's like taking a trip back in time to a place where nature is perfect and everything feels magical. Whether you love tea already or you're just getting started, our raw tea will show you how amazing Yiwu's Pu'er tea tradition is. It's a journey you won't forget.

Sensory Experience of 2015 Tianchao Tribute Ancient Tree Raw Pu-erh Tea:

  • Smell: When you take a whiff of this tea, it's like smelling a bouquet of flowers mixed with honey. It's so yummy that you can't wait to sip it!
  • Taste: Sipping this tea feels like drinking something really smooth and fancy. It's like having a little party in your mouth with all the flavors dancing around.
  • Palate: As you drink the tea, it's like different tastes are doing a dance on your tongue. It's exciting to taste all the different flavors and see how they blend together.

As you explore its scent further, you'll feel surrounded by a lasting smell that suggests there's something really special waiting for you to discover.

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Discover the exquisite 2009 ripe Yiwu Pu'er Tea, sourced from the ancient core production area of Pu'er in Yiwu. This tea is harvested from trees that are approximately 300 years old, adhering to the meticulous picking standard of one bud and two leaves

Indicator of Excellence

The resulting tea cake is a testament to quality and craftsmanship: it's regularly shaped with a clear texture, presenting a dark and shiny appearance. The cords of the cake are thick and plump, indicative of the rich inner quality of the tea.

The bottom of the leaves, an important indicator of quality, is shiny and rich in pectin, demonstrating the tea's high resistance to foaming.

Rich Flavour Profile

The flavor profile of this Yiwu Pu'er Tea is both mellow and smooth, with a transparent maroon color that promises a luscious experience for the palate. When tasted, it reveals a mellow and waxy texture, leaving a lasting impression on your taste buds.

This tea is not just a beverage; it's an experience that encapsulates centuries of tea cultivation and processing wisdom. Whether you're a tea connoisseur or a curious beginner, this Yiwu Pu'er Tea offers a delightful journey into the world of high-quality teas, with its rich taste and enduring charm.