Ever explored different varieties of Green Tea?
If you haven’t you should. If you were then you would know about the varieties. In fact most of the teas are originated in China. Green Tea is just a more healthier way to drink and enjoy tea. This blog explores which one could give you better results. However, there are still some doubts about which one is better Green tea or Matcha.
Table of contents
- Introduction
- What is Green Tea?
- Green tea extract
- Green tea deep cleanse mask
- Green tea gunpowder
- Green Tea Decaf
- Green Tea Matcha
- Conclusion
We enjoy a healthy drink any day. Green Tea is considered to be healthy especially because of it’s healthy components. Green Tea is a well known Tea. It was found in China around 2737 BC. Furthermore, If we talk about the other variants of green tea for example matcha or if we take a look at the product of green tea like, green tea extract we can see that they are not too much different than in the aspect of health. But if we compare them with the taste then it could be different.
What is Green Tea?
Green Tea has its ancient roots in China. It is still more popular in china than anywhere else. It is made from a plant called Camellia Sinensis. After harvesting, the tea leaves are quickly heated, either by pan firing or steaming and dried to prevent excessive oxidation. Especially a brewed one is typically green, yellow, or light brown in colour. Furthermore, its flavour can change from grass like and toasted to vegetal, sweet, and seaweed like. If we brew it correctly then we could be getting the correct result.

Green tea extract
Green tea extract means it s extracted from green tea and turned it into a pill. It comes in oral capsules. This contains Polyphenols. It includes the most active type, epigallocatechin gallate. These polyphenols may reduce the risk of some cancers. It is also good for enhancing memory, and improved task performance. Richness of catechins may help in weight loss. Helps to improve the skin. Benefits the exercise performance and recovery speed. It also may help you to lower blood sugar levels. Moreover its easy to add in your diet its just a capsule.
Green Tea Deep Cleanse Mask
Green Tea has been also used for medicinal purposes. This is a great way to help and improve the skin. It has a wide range of therapeutic properties that can benefit your skin in a variety of ways.
1. Protects against skin Cancer
It contains polyphenols and catechin these helps to protect you from nonmelanoma skin cancer. According to a 2010 study the antioxidant power of EGCG can help repair DNA damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun.
2. Fights Premature Ageing
The antioxidants helps to rejuvenate the dying cells. It protects and repairs our cell.
3. Reduces redness and irritation
The anti-inflammatory properties helps the skin to reduce irritation, skin redness and swelling. Applying to your skin can soothe minor cuts and sunburn too.
4. Treats Acne
The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties helps to treat the acne. It damages the Bacterial membranes.
5. Moisturises Skin
It contains Vitamin E, which is known for its ability to nourish and hydrate the skin.
There has been low risk of side effects for green tea deep cleanse mask, the side effect is mostly due to the sensitive skin.These all antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties helps a lot in health. Also it benefits your skin in a variety of ways. And it’s not difficult to make it’s easy to make.
Green Tea Gunpowder
Gunpowder Tea features tightly rolled pellets that preserve freshness and aroma. It’s a unique tea originated from Chinese alchemists and is known for its strong, toasty flavor. It has a high level of caffeine. We should look upon the recommended level of usage or else it could be unsafe. Gunpowder is a green tea that almost every tea lover tried at least once in life. Gunpowder tea is a type of tea which is made from Camellia sinensis plant.
1. Rich in antioxidants
Gunpowder tea may have a higher antioxidant capacity than dragon well or even Japanese sencha.
2. Helps for High blood Pressure
The antioxidants helps to relax the muscles that line blood vessels. Especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
3. Helps the skin
EGCG boasts potent anti-inflammatory properties that can treat swelling and redness.
4.Helps in Immunity
L-theanine can promote alpha brain waves, these helps to relax the body. Immunity can become low because of stress also.
5.Helps in Diabetes
its ability to promote weight loss and increase energy, particularly during exercise, could help as obesity is a leading cause of type-2 diabetes.
After discussing about the benefits now we should discuss about side effects. There are potential side effects. Which mainly happen because of caffeine content. For example nausea, diarrhoea, constipation, headaches, migraines, and heart palpitations. These only happen to the ones that are caffeine sensitive and only if consumed in higher levels.
Green Tea Decaf
Decaf green tea means the tea has gone through the process of decaffeination. This type of tea is particularly beneficial for those who are caffeine-sensitive, pregnant, or seeking to reduce their overall caffeine intake. It offers a soothing and refreshing alternative, perfect for enjoying throughout the day without causing sleeplessness or jitters.
1. Less caffeine:
People sensitive to caffeine might experience jitters, restlessness, headaches, and a racing heart. By all means Decaf is an excellent way to avoid these negative effects.
2. Antioxidant Rich:
Decaf variant contains high levels of antioxidants, hence it helps against cell damage, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Catechins, a type of antioxidant, actively boost health.
3. Improved Cognitive Function:
Decaf green tea exhibits neuroprotective effects, which can improve memory and cognitive function. Hence makes it a great choice for maintaining brain health.
4. Lower Risk of Certain Diseases:
Regular consumption of decaf green tea can reduce the risk of certain diseases, especially cancer, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
5. Relives from stress:
Both caffeinated and decaffeinated green teas contain theanine, a lovely little chemical which may help you reduce mental stress.
6. Weight Management:
Green tea, especially its decaf variant, can aid in weight management by boosting metabolism and fat oxidation.
While here are many problems like availability of decaf green tea and lack of knowledge. But still its relevant around the tea lovers. It’s a great choice if you are caffeine sensitive and looking to withdraw from caffeine. It still has som caffeine content but still its less than any regular green tea.
Green tea Matcha
Matcha is a finely ground powder made from specially cultivated and processed green tea leaves, originally developed in China. However, the modern matcha was perfected in Japan, where the majority of matcha is now produced. In particular, this unique powdered tea, known as tencha, is made from shade-grown leaves that are steamed, dried, and ground into a fine powder without kneading.
The benefits of Matcha:
1.Rich in Antioxidants
Matcha is very high in antioxidants, especially catechins. Its most powerful catechin is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
2. Reduces risk of Heart Disease
Green tea consumption has been linked with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, compared with coffee, and some studies have suggested it might help lower the risk of high blood pressure and other complications in people with heart disease.
3. May Protect the Liver
In 2020, some experts noted that while matcha may benefit people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) by reducing liver enzymes, it may increase liver enzymes in people without NAFLD.
We can’t overlook the fact that it also includes some side effects.
1. Matcha leaves may harbor contaminants
It could include heavy metals, pesticides, and fluoride from the soil in which the plant grows. Using organic matcha may reduce your risk of exposure to pesticides, but even organic leaves may still contain substances from the soil that are harmful when ingested in large amounts.
2. Liver or Kidney toxicity
While individual tolerance varies, consuming high levels of the plant compounds found in matcha may cause nausea and symptoms of liver or kidney toxicity.
The side effects are potential ones, so if we try to use it on the recommended level it would be safe.

Throughout our exploration, various types and various products we can clear one thing that it offers a lot of health benefits. We saw that these all are having positive effects on human body, which in fact means its healthier. But still we have to be aware that using more than recommended levels can harm your body. We discovered how good matcha and other varieties can be beneficial for health in so many ways. But still there are many other teas to explore for example Pu-erh Tea. It's a Tea which is known to most of the tea lovers.
Q&A Section
Q1. Is decaf green tea better than regular green Tea?
A1. Yes, if we consider the caffeine amount and the antioxidant richness it is better.
Q2. Is Matcha better than Decaf Green Tea?
A2 . No, If you’re looking for a high-caffeine, nutrient-rich option, matcha might be the better choice.
Q3. How many green teas are there?
A3. 10-12 distinct types are there.